Astrolab works with technology ideas from across New Zealand. We’re easily accessible to innovators, entrepreneurs, universities and other research institutes and the wider business community.

From initial concepts to fully developed ideas, Astrolab works with innovators in a range of sectors including life science / medical, clean-tech, IoT, devices, human performance, media and agritech. Astrolab’s co-funding stimulates the founding and growth of our ventures and partnerships, ensuring a disciplined and focused translation from technology idea through to being a valuable venture company with international reach.






Brett Oliver
CEO, Director

20+ years’ experience in commercialisation & innovation activities. Experience includes founding director and co-funder of multiple deep-tech ventures (Aquafortus, Moxion, Ubiquitome, Freight Hub, Aegis Ceramics, Transfection Bio), venture capital due-diligence, technology and sustainability auditor and advisor at KPMG, commercialisation manager at NZ’s largest research organisation, North Island Manager of Commercialisation at the NZ Health Innovation Hub initiative.


Based between San Francisco and Tokyo, Patrick brings substantial expertise in managing collaboration and investment with globally based innovation partners. Secured 150 partnerships between IP developers and industry matching complex IP to international demand.  Excellent connections with North America and Asian VCs and global corporates.